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Showing posts from 2015

The Role of the Designer in the Innovation Process

Die Rolle des Gestalters im Innovationsprozess: Lesetipps If you buy a hardcopy or a digital issue, you will be able to read my comments in an interview with Nina Kist, the chief editor of PAGE - Design, Code, Business - The Magazine of Creative Business (in German)


mobile Hospitality II ... with an Article in the local Newspaper about the project.

Impressions: Designcampus_open 2015 Architecture and Interior Design |

Impressionen Designcampus_open 2015 Architektur und Innenarchitektur |

sunnyside up

Chicago Architecture Biennial Lakefront Kiosk Competition Our design team has worked together on several projects for about 15 years. Claus Lämmle and Mark Phillips met in 2000 and have designed, planned and realized exhibitions, fair stands and small scale building projects. For several years now, we have been working together with Carl Lämmle. Our Idea was to combine both – the archetypal hut and the Container - into a Kiosk, which is an upside-down hut. With its size change and its humorous and visually attractive appearance it is a sign in itself, which can be seen from far away. While visitors are getting closer to our Kiosk they become aware oft the functionality, which offers a service area inside the container and a shaded platform on it’s top.

Interior Design Symposium at Mimar Sinan University: "Interdisciplinary approaches in Interior Design"

I was an appointed speaker at this years Interior Design Syposium at Mimar Sinan University in Istanbul 6.-8. May 2015. The theme of my speech was: "Interdisciplinary approaches in Interior Design" I was talking about "BIM" and "Bamm!" - the blu, more structural approach to Design and the orange, more creative approach to design. It was a great honor to speak at Turkey's most important Fine Arts University. And it was a pleasure to meet Jozeph Forakis and hear his lecture.


New York City, kurz NYC, besteht neben Manhatten aus vier weiteren Stadtteilen. Einer davon, Brooklyn ist gerade bekanntermaßen angesagt – mit micro breweries, hand made chocolate stores und hipster mit Vollbart. In Queens, nördlich von Brooklin, entwickelt sich eine Szene, die eng mit Kunst und Moderne, aber auch mit Tradition und den verschiedenen Ethnien von Queens verbunden ist. Queens entwickelt sich rasant, die Immobilienblase hat gerade die Ecke Long Island City überflutet – mit Blick auf Manhatten und das UNO-Gebäude. Hinter den Hochhäusern direkt am East River gibt es noch einen Wochenendflohmarkt auf dem Parkplatz eines Lagerhauses, auf dem Locals Ihr Kunsthandwerk anbieten und „Pulled Pork“ direkt aus dem smoker anbieten - man sollte dazu erwähnen, dass die Besatzung des smoker über Nacht campiert hat um diesen früh genug einzuheizen. „Pulled Pork“ ist eine amerikanische Spezialität und bedeutet, dass das Fleisch so lange geräuchert wurde,

Design Principles and Practices: "Interdisciplinarity as a trigger forcreativity and innovation"

I was a speaker at this years conference Design Principles & Practices in Chicago 12.-14. March 2015. The theme of my lecture was: "Interdisciplinarity as a trigger for creativity and innovation" Thanks to the DAAD, for supporting me.

Interior Design Director @ ORANGEBLU building solutions

Manuel Schupp ( Wilford Schupp Architects ), Peter Vorbeck ( ZSP Architects ) and Siggi Wernik (was Leon Wohlhage Wernik ) have decided to appoint me Interior Design Director for their future architecture firm ORANGEBLU building solutions.